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With the vigorous development of textile printing and dyeing industry, the annual discharge of dyeing and finishing wastewater is more than 1 billion 700 million cubic meters.Dyeing wastewater has the characteristics of high concentration of pollutants, complex composition and water quality changing, dye wastewater can absorb light, reducing water transparency, impact on aquatic organisms and microorganisms, is not conducive to water purification, and can cause visual pollution, constitutes a great damage to the environment.Because of the variety of dyes and the extensive use of chemical slurry, the organic matter in wastewater is difficult to be biodegraded, so the dyeing wastewater is a kind of industrial wastewater which is difficult to be treated.
According to the actual situation of the dyeing and finishing wastewater in the textile mill, the treatment process of dyeing wastewater by hydrolytic acidification, biological contact oxidation and physicochemical process is introduced:
1.After the stabilization of the hydrolytic acidification tank, the ratio of B/C increased from 0.15 to 0.42, and the biodegradability was increased, and the chroma removal rate was up to 50%.
2.The removal rates of COD and NH4+-N in contact oxidation tank were 74% and 78%, respectively.
3.When the pool acid hydrolysis of HRT 14h, biological contact oxidation stage HRT to 5h in the case of dyeing wastewater COD removal rate can be maintained at about 83% biological contact oxidation process, the hydrolysis acidification tank for dyeing wastewater chroma removal rate remained at around 61%.
4.The operation of the whole process is stable, and the effluent quality can meet the discharge standard of water pollutants discharge standard of textile dyeing and finishing industry (GB4287-2012).
Key words: dyeing wastewater; hydrolytic acidification; contact oxidation; coagulation sedimentation


摘要    1
Abstract    2
第一章 设计说明书    5
1.1 设计题目    5
1.1.1 废水的水量及水质    5
1.1.2 设计依据    5
1.1.3 设计原则    5
1.2 方案确定    6
1.2.1 活性污泥法:    6
1.2.2 生物接触氧化法:    6
1.2.3 生物接触氧化法和活性污泥法的比较    7
1.2.4 主要处理单元处理效率一览表    8
1.3 工艺流程    10
1.3.1 具体工艺流程    10
1.3.2 流程说明    10
第二章 工艺计算    12
2.1 格栅    12
2.1.1 设计参数    12
3.1.2 设计计算    12
2.2 调节池    14
2.2.1调节池的作用     14
2.2.2 设计参数    14
2.2.3 设计计算    14
2.2.4 潜污泵选型      15
2.2.5 搅拌机选型     16
2.3 混凝一池    16
2.3.1 设计概述    16
2.3.2 混凝剂选择    17
2.3.3 混凝剂的投加    17
2.3.4 溶液池容积    17
2.4 初沉池    18
2.4.1 设计概述    18
2.4.2 设计计算    19
2.5 水解酸化池    21
2.5.1 设计概述    21
2.5.2 设计计算    21
2.6 生物接触氧化池    22
2.6.1 设计概述    22
2.6.2 设计计算    24
2.6.3 鼓风曝气系统设计计算    25
2.6.4 风机选型    26
2.7 竖流式二沉池    27
2.7.1 设计概述    27
2.7.2 设计计算    27
2.7.3 污泥泵选型    29
2.8 混凝二池    29
2.9 终沉池    29
2.9.1 设计概述    29
2.9.2 设计参数    29
2.9.3 设计计算    30
2.10 浓缩池    31
2.10.1 设计概述    31
2.10.2 设计参数    32
2.10.3 设计计算    32
2.10.4 脱水机房    33
第三章  平面与高程布置    34
3.1 平面布置    34
3.1.1 设计概述    34
3.1.2 布置原则    34
3.2 高程布置    34
3.2.1布置原则    35
3.2.2设计计算    35
参考文献    37
致谢    38
