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停车场自助系统设计实现(Java Android,MySQL)

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停车场自助系统设计实现(Java Android,MySQL)(论文说明书10000字,程序代码)     
摘  要
在研究停车场自助系统之前,应首先确定开发使用的工具和思路,开发时各项流程 ,预测项目的开发难度以及可行性。
With the rapid development of smart phone technology, people are increasingly relying on mobile phones in their daily lives, as well as mobile phone software is also emerging. In particular, more and more software is being used to interact with the Internet. Users also use mobile phones for online services, so that users can use them at any time. Online parking service, I developed a parking self-service system for Android users.
Before researching the parking lot self-service system, you should first determine the tools and ideas for development, the various processes during development, and predict the difficulty and feasibility of project development.
The parking self-service system mainly considers the system functions from the details, determines which modules to implement, and then designs the corresponding interfaces for the modules. At the same time, you need to consider the best way to combine user-friendly features and pages so that users can view the relevant information about parking at any time.
The development of the parking lot self-service system utilizes the existing mature technology reference, the source code is used as a template, the analysis function adjustment is combined with the actual needs of the parking lot self-service, and the parking lot self-service system developed by Android is discussed.
Keywords: Parking self-service system; Mysql; Java; The Android

停车场自助系统主要包含两部分:用户端、管理员端和停车场数据库。用户端主要应用Java Android的前端与后端开发。管理员端主要利用Java web开发的网页组成,停车场数据库运用了Servelet,运行在Java applet上,使用MySQL进行数据库管理。三者通过http协议进行通讯。平台美工是运用ps,静态内容制作使用Java web语言,都取得了不错的成果。

停车场自助系统设计实现(Java Android,MySQL)
停车场自助系统设计实现(Java Android,MySQL)
停车场自助系统设计实现(Java Android,MySQL)
停车场自助系统设计实现(Java Android,MySQL)
停车场自助系统设计实现(Java Android,MySQL)
停车场自助系统设计实现(Java Android,MySQL)

1  引言    4
1.1  课题意义    4
1.2  国内外研究现状    4
1.3 系统开发主要内容    4
1.4 组织结构    5
2 相关技术简介    6
2.1  Java技术综述    6
2.2  Android技术    6
2.3  MYSQL数据库    7
2.4  Myecipse简介    7
3  需求分析与系统设计    8
3.1  需求分析    8
3.1.1技术可行性:    8
3.1.2经济可行性    8
3.1.3操作可行性    8
3.1.4社会因素可行性    9
3.1.5法律可行性    9
3.1.6  功能需求    10
3.1.7  系统UML用例分析    10
3.2 系统的设计    12
3.2.1  系统设计结构    12
3.2.2  数据库设计原则    12
3.2.3  数据库表    14
4系统实现    15
4.1  用户功能实现    15
4.1.1  用户注册登录界面    15
4.1.2  用户操作界面    17
4.2 管理员功能实现    20
4.2.1  管理员登录页面    20
4.2.2  管理员界面    20
5 系统测试    22
5.1系统测试的目的    22
5.2系统测试性能及分析    22
5.2.1测试策略    22
5.2.2测试性能及分析    23
5.3测试结果    23
结 论    24
参考文献    25
致 谢    28
