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摘    要

关键词: 土地增值税,税收筹划,风险,措施

Land value increment tax planning and risk prevention of real estate development enterprises
--HuaShang Real Estate Company as an Example
   Beginning of the last century in 90s, China's real estate industry has begun to show a rapid development attitude, has grown into a pillar industry of the national economy, Real estate industry stimulating the growth of the national economy, The growth of the national economy in turn affects the real estate business funds. Real estate industry on the one hand can not only accelerate the consumption structure optimization, improve the people's living standards, on the other hand can also stabilize the financial sector to promote the development of financial industry. In today's market environment, with the national implementation of the purchase of commercial housing purchase restriction policy on individuals, competition between real estate enterprises and enterprises increasingly fierce, how to reduce the corporate tax burden, improve enterprise competitiveness in the macro environment, and effectively avoid the risk of tax planning, the core issue has been included in the enterprise management.
   In this paper, through the analysis of the VAT tax policy for land, tax relief and related provisions of the standard deduction, and puts forward some applicable to the real estate development enterprise tax planning, and apply it to the Chinese real estate development company, to make specific planning for a project of the company, analysis of the benefits of planning. As well as the real estate development company in the process of planning may be listed in the risk factors, to eliminate the risk of the relevant measures.

KEYWORDS:Land value added tax,Tax planning; risk,Measures

目    录
1 土地增值税筹划相关理论    1
1.1 前言    1
1.2 土地增值税筹划理论    2
2 土地增值税筹划现状    3
2.1 土地增值税税负    3
2.2 税收筹划方法    4
2.2.1 分散收入法    4
2.2.2 增加扣除项目金额法    4
2.2.3 税率临界点法    5
2.2.4 清算时点的选择    5
3 华商房地产开发公司土地增值税筹划分析    7
3.1 房地产企业发展情况    7
3.2 华商房地产开发公司项目基本情况    8
3.3 税收筹划方法的运用    11
3.3.1 分解销售收入    11
3.3.2 增加扣除项目金额法    11
3.3.3 利息费用扣除    12
3.3.4 控制清算时点    12
4 税收筹划风险分析    13
4.1 经营性风险    13
4.2 国家政策性风险    13
4.3 税务机关执法风险    14
5 防范税收筹划风险的措施    15
5.1 建立有效的风险预警机制    15
5.2 寻求税务机关帮助    15
5.3 提高筹划人员业务水平    15
参考文献    17
后    记    18
