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The Design of anti - theft system based on wireless communication module
Abstract:This paper uses sensor technology, single-chip microcomputer control technology and wireless communication technology toindependently detect the occurrence of potential burglary cases and send alarm to user in a timely manner so that they can take prompt action to reduce losses. The system usesMSP430 single chip microcontroller as the control core, and each sensor monitoring system continuously carries on the environmental information collection and exchanges information with the control center. Once suspicious conditions are detected, the control center will use the wireless network to notify the user to conduct timely processing. According to the results of the operation, the system is stable, fast and efficient, and can be used for safety monitor.
Key word:Sensors; wireless communication module; anti-theft alarm; serial port communication


1.引言    4
1.1相关背景    4
1.2应用现状和发展方向    4
2.方案设计    4
2.1设计内容    4
2.2系统结构    5
3.硬件系统设计    5
3.1 MSP430单片机最小系统设计    5
3.1.1单片机性能特点    6
3.1.2单片机系统设计    6
3.2串口通信    9
3.3单片机FLASH存储器    10
3.4常闭型震动传感器模块    11
3.5 HC-SR501人体感应模块    12
3.6 GA6模块    13
3.7手机短信的PDU编码    14
3.8 USB转RS232通信模块    15
4.软件设计    16
4.1上位机软件设计    16
4.1.1主窗口设计    16
4.1.2短信配置窗口设计    17
4.1.3设备管理窗口设计    19
4.2单片机FLASH存储器操作    21
4.3震动传感器模块控制程序    22
4.4 红外人体感应模块控制程序    24
4.5 GA6模块控制程序    25
5.系统测试与结果分析    27
5.1上位机软件测试    27
5.2单片机程序测试    30
5.3防盗系统功能测试    31
5.4结果分析    34
参考文献    35
致谢    36
