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A Compact Dual-ModeMetamaterial-Based Loop Antenna for Pattern Diversity
Abstract:This letter presents a novel design of compact dual-port dual-mode metamaterial-based loop antenna for pattern diversity. The proposed metamaterial- based loop antenna consists of a loop based on periodically loaded capacitive arcstrips and two independent ports with feeding networks. This circular arc bar consists of six identical arcs, forming an intersect gap between the arcs.Similar to mu-zero resonance (MZR) antennas, the periodically loaded capacitive loop antenna proposed in this letter allows current along the loop to re-main in phase and uniform. By making use of a hybrid feed net-work, the even and odd modes of the proposed metamaterial-based loop antenna are exploited so that its pattern diversity is achieved effectively. using the theory of zeroth-order resonance, we have provided a novel design for several arc-shaped strips that make up the loop antenna to obtain the horizontally polarized omnidirectional radiation pattern.The theory of operation and performances of the pro-posed antenna are demonstrated in both a full-wave simulation and in the experiments.
Index Terms:Even mode and odd mode, loop antenna, , patterndiversity, reconfigurable pattern antenna


目 录
第一章 绪论    7
1.1研究背景及意义    7
1.2国内外研究现状    7
1.2.1零阶共振理论    7
1.2.2 MIMO系统    8
1.3本论文的结构安排    8
第二章 天线的理论基础和设计方法    10
2.2天线的基本参数    10
2.2.1天线的方向图及有关参数    10
2.2.2方向性系数    10
2.2.3辐射强度    11
2.2.4天线效率    11
2.2.5天线增益    11
2.2.6输入阻抗    11
2.2.7天线的极化    12
2.2.8回波损耗    12
2.2.9驻波比    13
2.2.10隔离度    13
2.2.11带宽    13
2.2.12有效长度    14
2.3常见天线    14
2.3.1缝隙天线    14
2.3.2微带天线    14 微带天线的概念    14微带天线的馈电    14
2.3.3环形天线    14
2.3.4可重构天线    15频率可重构天线    15方向图可重构天线    15极化可重构天线    15多重参数可重构天线    16
2.4分集技术    16
2.4.1极化分集    16
2.4.2空间分集    16
2.5左手超材料    17
2.6 MZR天线    17
第三章 天线分析    18
3.1天线结构    18
3.2奇偶模态分析    19
第四章 仿真结果    23
4.1仿真软件    23
4.2天线各参数仿真结果    23
4.2.1回波损耗    23
4.2.2两端口之间的隔离度    23
4.2.3方向图    24
4.3天线参数优化    25
4.3.1参数R3对结果的影响    26
4.3.2参数Gp对结果的影响    29
4.3.3参数Lf对结果的影响    30
4.3.4参数Wp对结果的影响    32
4.4本章总结    33
第五章 全文总结    35
参考文献    36
致谢    37
