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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D26644 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D26644
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Design and implement of remote transmission system for indoor temperature monitoring
Abstract:With the improvement of people's pursuit of quality of life, the heating problem in winter, especially in central heating areain the north, is becoming more and more prominent. An indoor temperature monitoring system is designed to solve the dispute of whether the indoor temperature reaches the specified temperature range. The system is controlled by MSP430 MCU,which is treated as master chip.DS18B20 temperature sensor is used to monitor the temperature of the site in real time and wireless communication with the host computer is realized byGSM module, achieving the goal of the remote control of temperature. The system has the characteristics of low power consumption, strong portability, large storage capacity and real-time monitoring.
Key words:MSP430;DS18B20;GSM module


目  录
1绪论    1
1.1研究背景    1
1.2国内外研究现状    1
1.2.1国外研究现状    1
1.2.2国内研究现状    1
2系统总体设计    1
2.1系统需求分析    1
2.2可行性分析    2
2.3系统整体结构    2
3系统硬件设计    2
3.1控制核心    2
3.2温度监测模块    4
3.2.1几种温度传感器的比较    4
3.2.2 DS18B20温度传感器    4
3.3无线通信模块    5
3.3.1无线传输    6
3.3.2 GSM模块    7
3.4液晶显示模块    9
4系统软件设计    10
4.1下位机软件设计    10
4.1.1软件开发平台    10
4.1.2初始化模块    11
4.1.3温度监测模块    11
4.1.4无线通信模块    11
4.1.5显示模块    12
4.2上位机软件设计    12
4.2.1 VisualBasic选择    12
4.2.2数据传输方式    13
4.2.3 VisualBasic与数据库连接方式选择    13
4.2.4后台数据库选择    14
5系统整体测试    14
5.1终端监控测试    14
5.2无线通信测试    15
6结论    19
参考文献:    20
致谢    21
