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Intelligent Street Lighting Control System
Abstract:In this text, in order to make up for a loss of the present stage under the condition of street lamp intelligent control, the STC89C52 single chip microcomputer has been used in this article to design a new intelligent street lighting control system. This system is mainly composed of light intensity detection circuit, data signal conversion circuit, GSM SMS module, display module and alarm circuit and so on, the intelligent control of the street has been achieved, which realizes the goal of controlling the street lights lighting up and closing automatically according to the light intensity,the failure detection of the street lights, displaying the information of the damaged street light, remotely noticing the fault information and alarming automatically at the same time.This control system can meet the design requirements and run efficiently and steadily through the verification of the experiment.
Key words:intelligent street light control; STC89C52 single chip microcomputer; fault detection; information remote notification; alarm automatically

目 录
1 引言 3
1.1研究目的和意义 3
1.2 国内外研究现状及问题 3
1.3 主要研究内容 4
2 系统设计 5
2.1方框图设计 5
3 硬件系统 6
3.1 单片机最小系统电路 6
3.1.1 STC89C52单片机概述 6
3.1.2 复位电路 7
3.1.3晶振电路 7
3.1.4 电源电路及下载接口电路 7
3.2光照度检测电路 8
3.2.1 BH1750光强传感器简介 8
3.2.2 BH1750光强传感器工作特性图 9
3.3 数据信号转换电路 10
3.3.1 ADC0832转换芯片概述 10
3.4 路灯故障检测及控制电路 11
3.4.1 LM393双路电压比较器概述 11
3.4.2 LM393应用电路图 12
3.5 液晶显示电路 12
3.5.1 LCD1602液晶显示器概述 12
3.6 短信模块电路 13
3.6.1 SIM900A短信模块概述 14
3.6.2 SIM900A短信模块AT指令简介 14
3.7 报警电路 15
4 软件系统 16
4.1主流程设计图 16
4.2 BH1750光照度传感器流程图 16
4.3 ADC0832转换芯片流程图 17
4.4 LCD1602液晶显示器流程图 18
4.5 SIM900A短信模块流程图 19
5 实验调试 19
6 总结 20
参考文献 21
致谢 23
附录 24
附录一 元器件清单表 24
附录二 程序 25