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Research on Phase-Shifted Full-Bridge DC-DC Converter
The related products of power electronics are widely used in real life. Their development speed is very fast, and their shadow can be seen everywhere in life.Compared with hard switching technology, soft switching technology is more widely used and more popular. It can easily and simply complete zero-voltage switching-on of switches(ZVS).
DC-DC converter can not only realize energy conversion, but also has ZVS function. One of the purposes of this paper is to study the working principle of DC-DC converter based on the analysis of the topology diagram and find out what conditions are needed to realize the ZVS of the lagging arm, so as to design the parameters of the resonant device.In this paper, two methods are used to model the converter. One is the small signal modeling method, the other is the PWM equivalent method.
The second purpose is to design the parameters of PI controller according to the established model, and introduce the cause of magnetic bias of transformer and compensate for it.
Finally, through the simulation software called Matlab/Simulink, the designed system is simulated to verify the correctness of the established mathematical model and the rationality of the PI controller parameter design.
Key words: phase-shifted full-bridge DC-DC converter; mathematical modeling; PI controller; magnetic bias; simulation


摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章绪论    1
1.1研究背景及意义    1
1.2国内、外发展现状    1
1.2.1移相全桥DC-DC变换器的概述    1
1.2.2移相全桥DC-DC变换器的建模    4
1.2.3 变换器的偏磁问题    4
1.3研究内容    5
第二章移相全桥DC-DC变换器的工作原理及参数设计    6
2.1 变换器的拓扑结构    6
2.2 变换器的工作原理    6
2.3主电路参数设计    12
2.3.1 高频变压器的参数设计    13
2.3.2 输出LC滤波器的参数设计    15
2.3.3 IGBT的选型    16
2.3.4 整流二极管的选择    17
第三章移相全桥DC-DC变换器系统的建模与仿真    18
3.1 小信号模型建模    18
3.1.1 BUCK变换器的小信号模型    18
3.1.2 变换器的小信号模型    22
3.2 PWM等效建模法    24
3.3 控制器的设计    26
3.4 Matlab/Simulink系统仿真    28
第四章高频变压器偏磁的检测与补偿    31
4.1 高频变压器偏磁的原因    31
4.2 高频变压器的偏磁检测    32
4.3 高频变压器偏磁补偿    34
第五章实验结果    36
5.1 滞后臂ZVS的实现    36
5.2 稳态输出波形    37
5.3 偏磁补偿波形    38
第六章总结与展望    40
参考文献    41
致谢    44
