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Errentai paiziqu is a part of paiziqu individable Errentai music, it is used in conjunction with the actors atmosphere, skilled performance action. Is a form of folk music "Paizi Qu Meng Han group two working people with the effort to create, but also reflects the expression of life in Shanxi Shaanxi Inner Mongolia Hebei People's love of folk life. The flute music commonly used on China music stage, folk music, symphonic music, Chinese Orchestra, opera and modern pop music has been widely used, paiziqu and Dizi Music spread to northern Shanxi, northern Yulin, western the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Zhangjiakou and other places of Errentai music are closely linked, and the two phase let go. The main contents of this paper is to compare the flute music and musical instrument for brand in the song, mainly around the study of fusion, association, and based on the case study between the flute music and song of the two "brand, hoping to provide theoretical guidance for similar research, make a contribution to this folk music heritage..

Key words: Errentai paiziqu; Flute music;folk music

一、绪论    5
二、二人台音乐与竹笛    5
三、笛子曲与二人台牌子曲的关联    6
(一)普通竹笛与二人台竹笛的相同之处    6
1.文学性    6
2.艺术性    7
(二)普通竹笛与二人台竹笛的不同    8
1.演奏方法及技法    8
2.竹笛的形制、持笛姿势、运指     9
(三)二人台音乐素材在现代笛曲中的运用——以《喜相逢》为例    9
四、结论    10
致谢    11
参考文献    12
