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景观,一个化腐朽为神奇的学问。随着社会的进步,人们对待生活的质量要求不断提高,对景观的要求也越来越高。每逢节假日,人们已经不再满足与在家单纯的休息,更愿意和家人去外面走一走,而随着人们对小孩和家庭的日益看重,早教等行业不断兴起,家长更看重孩子的素质等的发展而不光光是知识上的成就。人们更愿意带着家人去感受大自然的气息,因此,城郊游的比例不断提高。家长更愿意让小孩在娱乐中获得快乐之外的东西,而伴随着这种情况的不断提升,农业园也逐渐成为家长假日的选择。而创意农业园改变了传统农业生产的思维方式,内含文化要素,反映了“创意”对设计的影响并解决了传统的休闲农业园单调,缺乏文化内涵的问题,是拓展农业园多功能的一个方向。是现代农业园发展 的一个趋势。本文以分析cornerstone花园为研究对象,试图通过相关资料和案例的分析梳理,归纳总结成功经验并得出启示。第一部分为前两章主要为理论部分,阐述了相关概念和景观设计所遵循的原则以及国外景观设计的特点及创意农业园的基本形式;第二部分分析了案例通过研究分析、总结思考,结合之前的理论思考得出启示。
关键字:景观 Cornerstone花园 启示

The cornerstone shallow garden landscape design and its revelation
Landscape, a changed decayed for magical knowledge.With the development of the society, people life quality rise ceaselessly, more and more is also high to the requirement of landscape.As people living standard unceasing enhancement, every holiday, people no longer content with just rest at home, more willing to go for a walk outside, bring their families and with the growing of children and family values, people are more willing to with his family to feel the breath of nature, therefore, the proportion of suburban tourism enhances unceasingly.Parents prefer to let children be happy in the entertainment outside of things, and along with this kind of situation, a NongYeYuan also gradually become parents the choice of holiday.While creative NongYeYuan changed the traditional way of thinking for agricultural production, contains cultural elements, reflects the \"creative\" effect on the design and solve the traditional leisure NongYeYuan drab, lack of cultural connotation, is expanding NongYeYuan multi-function in one direction.Is a trend in the development of modern NongYeYuan.Based on the analysis of cornerstone garden as the research object, and tries to through the analysis of relevant data and cases, summarizes successful experience and enlightenment.The first part for the first two chapters mainly theoretical part, this paper expounds the relevant concepts and principles of landscape design and landscape design of the characteristics and the basic form of creative NongYeYuan;The second part analyzes the case through research and analysis, summarize thinking, combined with previous theoretical thinking enlightenment.


目  录
摘要    1
第一章 相关理论    3
1.1景观设计的相关概念    3
1.2国外的景观设计的特点    3
1.3国外的创意农业园的模式    3
第二章 景观设计遵循的原则    4
2.1以人为本    4
2.2整体性原则    4
2.3历史文化性原则    4
2.4生态性原则    4
2.5艺术性与功能性相结合原则    5
2.6安全性原则    5
第三章 Cornerstone花园    5
3.1项目意义    5
3.2区位分析    5
3.3项目背景    6
3.4绿地空间分析    6
3.5花园布局    6
3.6景观元素设计    6
3.7商业模式    7
第四章 花园成功的经验    7
4.1市场定位广泛,注重游客的参与    7
4.2景观实验庭院    8
第五章 启示    8
5.1存在的问题    8
5.2前期调查的重要性    8
5.3材料的重新搭配和新材料的应用    8
5.4感官的利用    8
5.5创意的思维    9
结论    10
参考文献    10
