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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D18673 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D18673
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摘 要

A Case of Social Worker Intervention to Recoganice Family Children’s Education
 In recent years, the divorce rate in our country keeps rising.The family system rearrangement caused by family reorganization is not perfect, which makes the problem of non-blood parent-child education especially sensitive and prominent.The relationship between parents and stepchildren is delicate and fragile.There are a series of changes in the character of the recombinant family.The mental health of reorganizing family children has become a problem that the whole society cannot ignore.
Parents must value the family of such children education.Create a good learning environment for them to grow up healthily.The research on education of children's family in China is still in an incomplete state.This study is committed to explore from the group of family children family education this theme through the case study method, explore the intervention of social work, and finally put forward the social work intervention in reorganization of the family of children's family education reflection and summary, for the social workers engaged in this category.
Key Words
Reconstituted family;Home education;Case study

目  录
一、研究背景    1
二、相关概念及研究方法    1
(一)相关概念    1
(二)研究思路及研究方法    1
三、理论基础    1
(一)需要层次理论    1
(二)认知疗法    2
四、社工介入    2
(一)介入过程    2
(二)主要内容    2
五、案例介绍及社工介入    2
(一)研究对象    3
(二)社工介入过程及策略    3
六、反思与总结    5
参考文献    5
致 谢    5
