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Abstract: Explore a satisfied university education fashion that fit in with the needs of the social and economic development through comparing the differences between and Chinese higher education. Provide some suggestions for reform and development the China university in the future.
Key Words: high education; differences; reform
关键词:高等教育; 差异;改革

Abstract    2
Introduction    3
I. The differences of higher education between America and China    3
A. Achievement assessment    3
B. Course choose    4
C. College entrance examination system    4
D. Aim    4
E. Method    4
II.The reasons for the differences mentioned above    5
A. Historical background    5
B. Economic form    5
C. Social conditions    5
D. Traditional culture    5
III. The results of two different kinds of higher education    6
A.Employment views    6
B.Ability of living independently    6
IV. Explore China University Education mentioned above    6
A. Change university course    6
B. Change university teachers’ teaching philosophy    7
C.Change university students’ learning concepts    7
D . Chang achievement assessment    7
E. Reform the college entrance examination system    7
Conclusion    7
Notes    9
Bibliography    10
Acknowledgements    11
