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The countermeasure and method research about senior high students’ physical training
——Take the Tun Xi district as the example

Abstract: Through questionnaire and mathematical statistics, made a survey of senior high students on physical and mental conditions and physical training situation. The results showed that the prevalence of a number of physical and psychological problems on senior high students in Tun xi District of Huangshan City .What's more, the situation to participate in physical exercise is not too optimistic and there are all kinds of problems. To address the above issues, discussed and put forward some countermeasures and suggestions for this special group to get rid of physical and psychological distress and better to carry out a variety of extra-curricular sports activities, in order to realize China's education shifts from exam-oriented education to a comprehensive one, to raise the students' ethics, culture and science, labor skills, physical and psychological quality.

Key words: senior high students; physical exercise; Tun Xi district; physiology; psychology
