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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D19835 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D19835
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摘  要:现如今,我国经济得到了迅速的发展,会计事务所的管理方式也随之转变。如今会计的理论和实践取得了极大的发展,会计体系逐渐发展成熟。企业财务的管理中会计电算化得到了广泛的应用,将会计电算化应用于企业的财务管理之中,能够有效的提升财务管理的效率,进而促进企业经济的迅速发展。此外,在企业财务管理之中运用会计电算化的手段,能够有效的将其企业所面临的财务风险,提升企业财务管理的水平。本文首先阐述了会计电算化的含义与实行电算化的重要性,进而分析当前实行电算化出现的风险,最后针对这些风险提出相应的解决策略。

ABSTRACT:Along with the rapid development of the economy, the application of enterprise accounting affairs management has undergone tremendous changes. The development of various accounting work combinations has formed an accounting statistical plan with rich connotations. The enterprise finance with accounting computerization as the main application is gradually developed, and the computerized and standardized management of enterprise finance is strengthened. In the complicated work changes, the comprehensive efficiency maintenance analysis of enterprises is strengthened, and the comprehensive economic management effect of enterprises is improved. The rapid development of the corporate economy. In the process of enterprise competition development, the development of accounting computerization has many practical computing advantages. Good corporate capital development can effectively improve the comprehensive development of enterprises, reduce the risk of corporate finance, improve the actual financial and economic development of enterprises, and reduce various types of enterprises. Risk issues to achieve effective management of corporate finance. This paper first expounds the meaning of accounting computerization and the importance of computerization, and then analyzes the current risk of computerization, and finally proposes corresponding solutions to these risks.

KEYWORDS:Accounting computerization; enterprise risk; countermeasure

1 引言    1
2  会计电算化的基本概述    1
2.1会计电算的含义    1
2.3企业电算化的发展现状    1
3 企业实行会计电算化的重要性    2
3.1提高了会计工作效率    2
3.2会计电算化提高了会计信息数据的精确性    2
3.3会计电算化提高了会计人员的专业素质,规范了企业的会计工作    2
3.4会计电算化提高了企业现代管理的水平    2
4  企业实行会计电算化遇到的问题    3
4.1安全隐患    3
4.2 软件兼容不合理    3
4.3 电算管理漏洞    4
4.4财务人员的计算机应用水平不足    4
4.5缺乏内部控制    4
5  企业实行会计电算化,面对风险处理的有效对策    5
5.1防范信息软件应用财务技术的发展    5
5.2完善会计电算软件的应用    5
5.3建立会计电算法律    5
5.4加强会计人才的培养    6
5.5完善内部控制    6
结语    7
谢辞    8
参考文献    9
