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摘  要
 本文试图以京东企业为研究对象,通过实地调查发现员工福利项目的主要缺陷,并针对性的提出优化员工福利机制的解决方案。论文大致从以下几个方面展开研究,首先论文开头以员工福利理论进行研究与分析,为京东企业员工福利优化方案的设计奠定理论基础;论文中详细介绍了京东企业员工性别、年龄、工龄、学历、职称以及流失率六个方面;针对京东企业员工福利项目的现状,分析其所存在的主要问题;参照国内外企业员工福利的优化方案,针对性地对京东企业员工福利项目提供优化方案;从人力、财力等方面提出优化员工福利项目的保障条件。 本文是对京东企业员工福利问题的实证研究,文章的研究成果将对京东企业员工福利项目优化工作具有一定的指导意义,并且对其他电商企业合理实施员工福利制度与进一步理论研究提供参考和借鉴。


   In recent years, with the rapid development of the business enterprise, the business enterprise faces grow with each passing day competition among talents competition dominant. Therefore, the Jingdong enterprises to actively take measures to attract and retain talent. Employee benefits as an important part of the compensation system, is one of the effective means of employee incentive Jingdong, but the traditional welfare system has been unable to meet the diverse needs of employees welfare. Reasonable employee welfare system can save cost, improve the core competitiveness of enterprises, on the one hand to motivate employees, improve employee loyalty.
    This paper attempts to Jingdong enterprise as the research object, through the field survey found that the main defects of employee benefits of the project, and put forward solutions to optimize the employee welfare mechanism. The roughly from the following several aspects launches the research, first of all at the beginning of the paper to staff welfare theory were research and analysis, for Jingdong employees welfare optimization scheme is designed to lay theoretical foundation; Jingdong enterprise organizational structure are detailed in the paper, including employee's gender, age, length of service, education, job title and loss rate of six aspects. In view of the present situation of the Jingdong enterprise employee benefit programs, analysis the existing main problems, referring to the domestic and foreign enterprise employee welfare optimization scheme, to Jingdong employees welfare project provides the optimal scheme for; from the human, financial and other aspects of the proposed optimization conditions to protect the employee benefit programs. This paper is an empirical study of Jingdong employees welfare issues, the research results of this paper will of Jingdong employees welfare project optimization has certain guiding significance, and other commercial enterprises reasonable implementation of staff welfare system and further theoretical research to provide reference and reference.

KEY  WORDS: Electric business enterprise;Employee welfare;Optimization management

目  录
1绪  论    1
1.1选题背景与研究意义    1
1.1.1选题背景    1
1.1.2研究意义    1
1.2国内外研究综述    2
1.2.1国外研究综述    2
1.2.2国内文献综述    3
1.3研究内容和研究方法    4
1.3.1研究内容    4
1.3.2研究方法    5
2员工福利方案研究的相关基础理论    7
2.1员工福利的类型    7
2.1.1福利的含义    7
2.1.2 非法定福利    8
2.2 员工福利的基础理论    9
2.2.1马斯洛的需求层次理论    9
2.2.2双因理论    10
2.2.3期望理论    10
2.2.4公平理论    10
2.2.5强化理论    11
3京东企业员工福利方案的设计和问题分析    13
3.1京东企业概述    13
3.1.1企业概况    13
3.1.2京东企业的人力资源状况    13
3.2 京东企业现有员工福利方案    15
3.2.1基本福利    15
3.2.2附加型福利    16
3.3 京东企业员工福利满意度调查    17
3.3.1调查概括    17
3.3.2数据分析    17
3.4 京东企业员工福利存在的主要问题    21
3.4.1 福利的制定和执行缺乏员工有效参与    21
3.4.2 福利项目和结构单一化    21
3.4.3 漠视员工福利需求    21
3.4.4 福利分配存在一定的不公平性    22
4京东企业员工福利优化方案    26
4.1满足员工自主选择福利的权利    26
4.2集中福利管理    26
4.3加强福利成本控制    27
4.4进一步完善福利分配结构    28
5结论    31
致谢    33
参考文献    36
附录:    38
外文文献及翻译    41
