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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D19786 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D19786
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摘  要

Now is an information age, with information, grasp information, use information, you can make great changes in the world. For enterprises, the development of enterprises is inseparable from the existence of information. Enterprises need to transform information into their own power, and then make full use of information to create greater benefits for enterprises. Enterprise informationization is a necessary factor for the future development of many enterprises, so enterprise informationization needs to pay attention to a maturity problem. Mature collection, selection and application of information will be more efficient and produce a very powerful force. Only by making effective use of information and making information a trend and trend, can we really play the specific role of information, make information generate momentum, promote the successful development of enterprises, and bring enormous practical changes to enterprises. This paper makes a thorough analysis of enterprise informatization maturity and its influencing factors, aiming at in-depth analysis and understanding of enterprise informatization, and finding out various influencing factors, such as supplier information use awareness, government funding support, competitor informatization level, customer informatization level and informatization consultation level. Then it points out the existing problems and strategies in the development of enterprise informatization. The corresponding strategies include: strengthening the recognition of the maturity evaluation system; clarifying the role and significance of the enterprise informatization maturity evaluation system; establishing the framework of the enterprise informatization maturity evaluation system; training the talents of the enterprise informatization maturity evaluation system; reflecting on the enterprise informatization maturity evaluation system. System problems and optimization of enterprise information maturity evaluation system structure. The proposals of these contents will ultimately contribute more efforts to the construction of enterprise informatization, and gradually improve the maturity of enterprise informatization, so as to ensure that enterprise informatization will move towards a better future.
Key words:Enterprise;Informatization;Maturity;Influencing factors;research
目 录
一、企业信息化发展的现状    2
(一)我国企业信息化发展历程    2
(二)企业信息化发展现状    2
二、企业信息化成熟的目的    3
(一)促进企业发展    3
(二)令企业顺从时代发展方向    3
(三)及时掌握信息,做出精准规划    3
(四)提供参考,不断提升业务质量    3
三、企业外部的影响因素    3
(一)供应商信息使用认识    3
(二)政府资金支持力度    4
(三)竞争对手信息化水平    4
(四)客户信息化水平    4
(五) 信息化咨询水平    4
四、当前企业信息化发展中存在的问题    5
(一)企业信息化发展意识淡薄    5
(二)企业信息化发展规划缺失    5
(三)企业信息化发展方法单一    5
(四)企业信息化发展人才缺失    6
(五)企业信息化发展能力有待提升    6
五、企业信息化成熟度评价体系构建    6
(一)强化成熟度评价体系构建认知    6
(二)明确企业信息化成熟度评价体系作用及意义    6
(三)设立企业信息化成熟度评价体系框架    7
(四)培养企业信息化成熟度评价体系人才    7
(五)反思企业信息化成熟度评价体系问题    7
(六)优化企业信息化成熟度评价体系结构    7
结 论    8
参考文献    9
致 谢    10
