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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D26130 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D26130
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摘 要
关键词:顺丰速运  运营模式  创新  策略
The Operation Mode of The Express Industry Innovation and Strategy Research
How to reduce the cost of private Courier enterprise in our country, to meet customer needs and requirements, improve the overall level of service, enhance its competitiveness in the market, to speed up the transformation into modern express enterprises, find out the problems encountered, and in front of the great opportunities and challenges, should adopt what kind of development measures and countermeasures, has become the important subject of our country's private Courier enterprise development. So this paper choose the operation mode of the express industry innovation and strategy research topic to study.
First of all, this paper adopts the method of literature research, simple after China express industry development situation are introduced, for the development of the private faces, and probes into the opportunities and challenges. Secondly focuses on the operation mode of S.F.Express, analyzes the operation mode of it. Further using questionnaire survey method, the suitable abundant speed using household survey and the questionnaire data analysis of recycling. Finally from the marketing and application of new technology, cost management, the innovation service for the development of suitable abundant speed luck rationalization proposal is put forward. Hope that through this article analysis and research, some valuable reference can be provided for China's private Courier enterprise represented by S.F.Express.
Key Words: S.F.Express ; Operation mode; Innovation; Strategy

目  录
摘要    I
第一章 绪论    1
1.1研究背景及意义    1
1.2国内外研究现状    2
1.2.1国内研究现状    2
1.2.2国外研究现状    3
第二章 中国的快递行业的运营状况及问题分析    5
2.1中国的快递行业的现状及竞争分析    5
2.1.1我国民营快递的发展现状    5
2.1.2我国民营快递公司竞争分析    6
2.2我国快递行业存在的问题    9
第三章 顺丰速运的运营模式及其创新    11
3.1运营模式的分类及比较    11
3.1.1运营模式的分类    11
3.1.2直营模式与加盟模式的分析比较    11
3.2顺丰速运的运营模式变化及分析    13
3.3顺丰速运运营创新的理论基础——服务中心说    13
3.4顺丰的运营模式创新    14
3.4.1顺丰嘿客店    14
3.4.2顺丰优选    14
3.4.3顺丰金融    15
第四章 顺丰速运用户调研及分析    17
4.1调研问卷的设计    17
4.2调研结果分析    17
4.2.1受访者基本情况    17
4.2.2用户使用顺丰速运的原因及看重点    19
4.2.3顺丰的价格以及优劣势    20
4.2.4大学生市场与快递破损问题    22
4.2.5顺丰的创新服务及科技应用    24
第五章 基于统计调研的顺丰速运发展对策建议    28
5.1改进营销手段    28
5.2加快高新技术的应用    28
5.3加强成本管理    29
5.4大力发展电子商务    29
5.5推动顺丰服务    30
结语    31
参考文献    32
致谢    34
附录一    35
