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关键字:物流 供应链 服装
Analysis of ZARA's Business Model Based on Supply Chain Management
Nowadays, diversification of market demand makes most enterprises take on great pressure. In order to enhance their core competitiveness, cost savings and maximize profits, companies will focus more on the supply chain’s management model, belonging to the manufacturing industry is even more so.
At present, Chinese apparel supply chain’s structure is not reasonable, network and information sharing technology is not perfect, supply chain management is only focused on inventory and logistics management, the lack of supply chain management evaluation criteria.
In this paper, ZARA supply chain as the object, using the theoretical knowledge combined with the status of ZARA supply chain, to analyze it, summarize and learn from its supply chain management experience, for China's garment industry, some of the existing problems proposed optimization and improvement Suggest.

Key words: logistics;supply chain;clothing


摘要    I
第一章 绪论    1
1.1研究背景及问题提出    1
1.1.1研究背景    1
1.1.2研究意义    1
1.2国内外研究现状    2
1.3研究内容及主要研究方法    3
1.3.1研究的问题    3
1.3.2技术路线图    3
1.3.3研究手段    3
1.3.4结构框架    4
第二章 服装供应链相关理论    5
2.1服装供应链的概念和特点    5
2.1.1垂直整合型供应链    6
2.1.2采购型供应链    6
2.1.3第三方协调型供应链    8
2.2服装供应链的流程分析    9
2.2.1顾客订购环节    9
2.2.2补充库存环节    10
2.2.3成衣生产环节    10
2.2.4面辅料获取环节    11
2.3服装业商业模式类型分析    11
2.3.1一体化型商业模式    11
2.3.2聚焦型商业模式    11
第三章 ZARA的供应链管理    12
3.1 ZARA简介    12
3.2 ZARA供应链流程分解    12
3.2.1产品设计    12
3.2.2采购与生产    12
3.2.3产品配送    13
3.2.4产品销售    13
3.3 ZARA商业模式分析    14
3.3.1客户定位    14
3.3.2产品因素    14
3.3.3业务模式    14
第四章 案例分析    17
4.1 雅戈尔发展现状    17
4.2雅戈尔供应链现状    17
4.2.1面料采购    18
4.2.2 成衣设计生产    18
4.2.3库存管理    18
4.2.4终端销售    18
4.3 雅戈尔的商业模式分析    19
4.3.1客户定位    19
4.3.2产品因素    19
4.3.3业务模式    19
4.4 雅戈尔供应链管理存在的问题    19
4.4.1 面料采购周期长    19
4.4.2 成衣库存量高    20
4.4.3 节点企业缺乏沟通    20
4.4.4 供应链运作模式不合理    20
4.5 ZARA与雅戈尔供应链的异同    21
4.6 对雅戈尔的优化建议    21
4.6.1借鉴ZARA的“延迟策略”,缩短面料采购周期    21
4.6.2学习ZARA的IT系统    21
第五章 总结与展望    22
5.1总结    22
5.2展望    22
参考文献    23
致    谢    25
