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摘 要: 企业经营绩效考核是一项复杂的系统工程,评价指标是进行绩效考核的基础而财务指标将会继续是使用最广泛的指标,然而已有的企业经营绩效考核评价指标为适应企业经营管理要求必须进行改进。形成一套行之有效的企业经营绩效财务考核指标体系是摆在我们面前急待解决的问题。

    The enterprise Operating performance is a very complex system project. The evaluating index is the basis of appraising performance, and it will be used widely in the future .However, for adapting to the company management, the financial index must be improved. It is urgently to be solved to set up a complete body of theory for enterprise performance evaluation.
This paper emphasizes our country enterprise financial performance evaluation index system and the present situation of the shortage, and presents the improvement plan. This paper is good for constructing enterprise performance evaluation index system. But due to time, material and ability limitations, still having many problems to further in-depth study.
Key word:The financial performance evaluating index;the condition of finance;The system of financial index

摘 要    1
目录    2
1.绪论    3
1.1研究的目的与意义    3
1.1.1研究目的    3
1.1.2研究意义    4
1.2 研究现状    5
1.3 企业集团财务公司概述    5
2.财务绩效考核指标体系概述    5
2.1 财务绩效考核    5
2.2财务绩效考核指标    6
2.3构建财务绩效考核指标的原则    6
2.4我国的企业效绩财务评价指标体系    6
2.4.1盈利能力指标    7
2.4.2经营增长指标    7
2.4.3 资产质量指标    8
2.4.4 偿债能力指标    8
3.当前指标体系中存在的问题    9
3.1企业财务绩效考核指标体系自身的缺陷    9
3.1.1指标体系之间缺乏独立性    9
3.1.2财务考核的短期性    9
3.1.3财务考核的过去性    9
3.1.4收益的非全面性    10
3.1.5对现金流量指标的关注不够,未来预测不准确    10
3.1.6管理和决策信息不能有效提供    10
3.1.7缺乏知识与智力资本方面的考核指标    11
3.2企业财务考核指标体系的不适应性    11
3.2.1混淆概念    11
3.2.2利用公立资源满足自身利益需求    11
4.应对上述问题提出如下完善标准体系的建议    12
4.1把经济增加值(EVA)指标作为主要指标    12
4.2运用合适的计量属性    13
4.3推进全面收益观的财务报告    13
4.4强化现金流量指标在指标体系中的地位    13
4.5提高会计信息的质量    13
4.6增加无形资产,智力资产和知识资本价值的指标    14
5.结论    14
参考文献    15
致  谢    16
