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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D16886 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D16886
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关键词:事业单位 职能 内部控制 问题 对策

Abstract: the institution is the important public department, bear the whole social cultural education, scientific research, technology development, medical and health, culture, entertainment and so on various tasks. In business unit interior, the importance of financial management is obvious, the financial control system perfect or not and the level and effect, will directly affect the efficiency in the use of public funds, but also affect national economic and social development level. This paper focuses on the institutions of the functions and characteristics, institutions financial internal control content and function and business unit financial internal control problems on analysis and studies, and targeted formulate some strengthening institutions financial internal control countermeasures, in order to promote the modernization of the institutions, so as to ensure the development of the national economic development and social progress to make more contributions.
Keywords: institutions function's internal control countermeasures
一、事业单位的职能和特征    4
(一)事业单位的职能概述    4
(二)事业单位的特征分析    4
1、事业单位的功能特征    5
2、事业单位的管理体制特征    5
3、事业单位的社会活动特征    6
二、事业单位财务内部控制的内容及作用    6
(一)事业单位财务内部控制的内容    6
(二)事业单位内部控制的作用    7
三、事业单位财务内部控制存在的问题    8
(一)内部控制制度尚且不健全    8
(二)内部控制的意识不强    8
(三)预算的能力薄弱    9
(四)内部控制监督功能的弱化    9
(五)财会工作人员素质参差不齐    9
四、加强事业单位财务内部控制的对策    10
(一)完善事业单位内部控制制度    10
(二)构建透明、公开的信息系统    10
(三)强化财务预算控制,进行规范化、科学化的预算编制工作    11
(四)建立严明的问责制度的以及科学的绩效评价制度    11
(五)加强对会计人员的培训,提高工作人员的素质    12
总结:    12
参考文献    13
