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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D16782 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D16782
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关键词:苹果 品牌实战 饥饿营销

Abstract: in this paper, mainly based on Apple's hunger marketing plan must focus of hunger marketing reasons for the success achieved and on this basis for hunger marketing development process need to concern of research and analysis, and for others who want to carry out hunger marketing enterprises put forward their views and suggestions
Key words: Apple brand combat hunger marketing

目 录
摘要:    1
关键词:    1
1 研究综述    1
2 饥饿营销策略与苹果品牌的销售实战    2
3苹果饥饿营销策略的成功原因分析    3
3.1贯穿品牌因素。    3
3.2选择正确产品    4
3.3制造适度紧缺    4
3.4专业媒体传播    5
4 饥饿营销策略应注意的问题    5
4.1饥饿营销策略要灵活应变    5
4.2饥饿营销策略要掌握好“度”    6
5 小结    6
参考文献    6
致谢    6
