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摘  要


This year, the electricity supplier giants continue to price wars during the race. This means that the electricity supplier once the target market is close to saturation, urgent need to meet new market demands and now the general volume of e-commerce. It was at this time, came back to the rural electricity providers, the major electricity supplier giants countryside whitewashing, campaign trail. As retailers Chinese import network retailer Jingdong also open up their electricity supplier rural road.
This paper obtained the core competitiveness of Jingdong Mall, strengths and weaknesses, external opportunities and threats, and to locate and select the competitive strategy Jingdong Mall. Chapter One Introduction. First proposed the background and significance of Jingdong Mall in the rural market development strategy. Secondly, the research content, research methods of this paper. The second chapter, the basic theory. This article describes some theoretical studies need to use the. Chapter III, Status and Problems of Development of Rural Jingdong Market. The use of model analysis, Porter's five forces model analysis Jingdong development opportunities and threats faced by the rural market. Secondly, Jingdong Mall market forces in China e-commerce market is analyzed, including the comparative analysis of the competitive situation and the main competitor analysis. Chapter IV, Jingdong factors influence the development of the rural market. Chapter V, Jingdong development of the rural market strategy selection and implementation. According to Jingdong vision and strategic goals, strategic analysis Jingdong implementation. Chapter VI, summary; comprehensive summary of this paper, the farmer needs to manage the value of multi-dimensional integration, to explore the potential value of farmers and effective customer value management, in order to promote and enhance rural development.

KEY  WORDS:rural market; rural economy; new farmers

目  录
1绪  论    4
1.1研究背景和意义    4
1.1.1研究背景    4
1.1.2研究意义    5
1.2国内外文献综述    5
1.2.1国外文献综述    5
1.2.2国内文献综述    6
1.3研究内容和方法    7
1.3.1研究内容    7
1.3.2研究方法    7
2相关理论概述    8
2.1 电子商务与农村经济的发展    8
2.1.1 农村电子商务发展    8
2.1.2 电子商务给农村带来的新变化    8
2.2 农村电子商务特征    9
2.2.1 涉农电子商务爆发式增长的多重驱动力    9
2.2.2 从政府主导到多元推动    10
2.3 战略管理理论    10
2.3.1 战略管理的概念    10
2.3.2竞争战略理论的观点    11
2.3.3竞争战略的基本框架    11
2.3.4成本领先战略    12
3京东发展农村市场的现状及问题分析    14
3.1京东发展农村市场机会分析    14
3.1.1 国家与地方政府政策支持    14
3.1.2网络购物规模急剧增加    15
3.1.3移动电子商务兴起    16
3.1.4京东商城品牌影响力提升    17
3.1.5物流优势明显    18
3.2京东发展农村市场威胁分析    19
3.2.1电商企业规模增加    19
3.2.2客户讨价还价能力增强    19
3.2.3电子支付安全问题突出    20
3.2.4商品综合性经营加剧    20
3.2.5行业内价格竞争加剧    21
3.3京东商城竞争环境评价    21
3.4京东发展农村市场存在的问题    22
3.4.1无法完成实体门店的体验    22
3.4.2对价格的依赖性较高    22
3.4.3商业模式缺乏创新    23
3.4.4追求规模后续乏力    23
4影响京东发展农村市场的因素    24
4.1相关法律法规的不健全    24
4.2互联网安全问题    24
4.3全球经济不稳定性和国内经济不确定性    24
4.4互联网购物商品价格的可对比性    25
5完善京东发展农村市场的建议    26
5.1 积极配合政府进行基础设施建设    26
5.2 主动排查假货净化平台    26
5.3“农村京东”平台帮助农产品创建品牌    27
5.4 发挥主观能力推动发展    28
6结  论    29
致  谢    30
参考文献    31
