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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D18018 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D18018
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摘    要

关键词: 网络经营,实体书店,发展策略

Online business impact under the background of the development of the entity bookstore
The development of the Internet brings convenience to our life, work, shopping online shopping population has grown up, change will inevitably bring changes to the bookstore management, network management has great influence on the store, bookstore faced with how to maintain and expand the customer base, if the transformation of business strategy, how to adapt to the challenges in network management the times, is to further improve or perish, this is an urgent need to solve the problem of entity bookstore. With the improvement of economic level, living conditions, people's spiritual demand gradually increased, so the book purchasing power has also been enhanced, online shopping go part of diversion of customers, but the overall growth in bookstores still reflect. Of course, the entity bookstore also follow the law of the stronger. Although the online bookstore sales growth is more rapid, but the future of e-books, online bookstores for the impact of the physical bookstore will gradually weaken, will achieve mutual balance. This paper introduces the development of the entity bookstore in the era of network management, and compares the online bookstore with the physical bookstore.

KEYWORDS:network management, the entity bookstore, development strategy

目    录
引言    1
1 网络书店与实体书店现状比较    3
1.1 网络书店现状    3
1.2 实体书店现状    4
2 网络书店对实体书店的冲击    6
2.1 网络书店对实体书店份额的冲击    6
2.2 网络书店商业模式的冲击    7
3 网络书店与实体书店的优势与劣势    8
3.1 网络书店的优势与劣势    8
3.2 实体书店的优势与劣势    9
4 实体书店应对网络书店冲击的策略    11
4.1 营造书香文化氛围    11
4.2 创新业务环节    11
4.3 创新产品形态与交易方式    12
4.3.1 贝塔斯曼读书俱乐部    12
4.3.2 O2O模式    12
4.4 加强营销宣传策划    12
4.5 加强与消费者交流    13
4.6 政府加强政策支持    14
参考文献    16
后    记    17
