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摘    要


Analysis of Marketing Strategy of High-end Beauty Brand From the Perspective of Consumers
--Taking Kunming Market as an Example
   There are more and more women to pursue more high-end beauty in China, more advanced beauty, which creates a lot of purchasing, beauty makeup bloggers, beauty and beauty APP. rankings look out Chinese consumers know more in terms of beauty, in such conditions, China the beauty market has great prospects. There is competition in the market, in the context of fierce competition, whether consumers pay to become the biggest reason brands are concerned, this article through the survey of consumers, see high-end beauty brand marketing strategy is suitable for consumers.
   Development up to now, China has become an economic superpower, in line with international standards after more and more people begin to pursue a better brand. The rapid development of economy has made China a luxury brand is the most important market, more and more high-end brands in this metropolis in China. But there are a lot of brands became strong enough, but not at the end of the this phenomenal impact. From this you can see the importance of brand marketing, based on the consumer survey out some conclusions to ponder and research. To evaluate the results and Suggestions.

KEYWORDS:carketing strategy,consumer,high-end beauty brand
目    录
1 营销策略的概述    1
1.1 营销策略的概念    1
1.2 营销策略的意义及方法    1
1.2.1 营销策略的意义    1
1.2.2 营销策略的方法    1
2 高端美妆品牌的营销现状    3
2.1 产品策略    3
2.2 价格策略    3
2.3 渠道战略    4
2.4 促销策略    4
3 影响营销策略的因素    6
3.1 宏观因素    6
3.1.1 市场因素    6
3.1.2 环境因素    6
3.2 微观因素    7
3.2.1 产品因素    7
3.2.2 公司因素    8
4 调查并分析昆明消费者对高端美妆产品的态度    9
4.1 分析调查数据    9
4.2 从消费者角度来分析高端美妆品牌的营销策略    10
4.2.1 定价策略    10
4.2.2 促销策略    11
4.2.3 渠道策略    11
4.2.4 产品策略    11
5 营销策略的提升建议    13
5.1 产品策略    13
5.2 价格策略    13
5.3 渠道策略    14
5.4 促销策略    15
参考文献    16
后    记    17
