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本文主要是先设计三种常见的配气凸轮的轮廓曲线,再代入原有的2100T柴油机配气机构并进行动力学分析,比较每个凸轮型线的模拟结果以获得最佳解决方案。首先,利用CATIA将2100T的原始配气机构的3D模型建立出来,再利用CAD将2100T柴油机的原始凸轮曲线进行数据导出,经过计算得到它的转角升程表,利用CATIA在添加零件材料后的到零件的质量、惯性矩、弹性模量、泊松比等参数,最后将这些参数导入AVL EXCITE Timing Drive软件中,以创建配气机构多质量模型。

The valve train is one of the important parts of the engine. Its role is to complete the intake and exhaust processes according to the working sequence and the valve phase of each cylinder of the internal combustion engine, and to ensure the tightness of the cylinder during the compression stroke and power stroke. The performance of the gas distribution mechanism mainly has the following requirements: the internal combustion engine should have good gas exchange performance, a high impulse coefficient, and good reliability, dynamic performance, economy, and durability. In the past two decades, the market has demanded that the engines become more efficient, and the speed is faster, and people's requirements for performance indicators of the counterfeit mechanisms are also getting higher and higher. Under more efficient and high-speed conditions, the valve trains can operate more reliably.
This paper mainly designs the three common profiles of the gas distribution cams, and substitutes them into the existing 2100T diesel engine gas distribution mechanism and performs dynamic analysis. The simulation results of each cam profile are compared to obtain the optimal solution. First, the 3D model of the 2100T original valve train was established using CATIA, and then the original cam curve of the 2100T diesel engine was exported using CAD data, and its corner lift table was calculated to use CATIA to add the part material. Parts such as mass, moment of inertia, elastic modulus, Poisson's ratio, etc., are imported into the AVL EXCITE Timing Drive software to create a multi-mass model of the valve train.
Change the cam profile to the original four-arc cam curve, polynomial higher-order square equation curve, isokinetic equation curve to compare the dynamic characteristics, and analyze the different cam profiles on the valve movement law, valve seating force, cam and tappet contact stress The influence of other parameters. Determining the best set of contours for the polynomial higher-order square curve has been greatly improved compared to the original cam configuration.

Key words:2100T diesel engine;valve train;dynamic analysis;cam profile design

表4.1  2100T柴油机技术参数表
柴油机型号    21000T
型式    立式、水冷、四冲程、直接喷射式燃烧室
额定功率(kW)    18.4
额定转速(r/min)    2000
缸径 行程(mm)
100 120
总排量(L)    1.88
平均有效压力(kg/cm2)    7.03
活塞平均速度(m/s)    6
压缩比    16:1
配气相位    IVO上止点前18°± 5° IVC下止点后52°± 5°
EVO下止点后18°± 5° EVC上止点后18°± 5°


摘要    i
Abstact    ii
第 1 章 绪论    1
1.1研究背景及意义    1
1.2配气机构动力学分析国内外研究现状    1
1.3配气机构新技术    2
1.4主要研究内容    2
第 2 章 配气机构分析的理论基础    4
2.1配气机构动力学模型    4
2.2配气凸轮优化设计方法和评价指标    5
2.3本章小结    6
第 3 章 配气机构凸轮型线的设计    7
3.1凸轮型线缓冲段的设计    7
3.2凸轮型线工作段设计    7
3.3本章小结    11
第 4 章 配气机构动力学分析    13
4.1 AVL EXCITE Timing Drive软件介绍    13
4.2单阀系配气机构分析    13
4.3整体配气机构分析    17
4.4本章小结    26
第 5 章 总结与展望    27
5.1总结    27
5.2展望    27
参考文献    28
附录    30
致谢    35
