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Small forage baler key components of simulation

Abstract:China agricultural straw fodder and other agricultural biomass is rich in resources, but the collection, storage and transportation links as a constraint to its industrial use of the main factors. Research and development of straw, forage grass and forage grass and baling equipment is to realize the industrialization of agricultural biomass using one of the prerequisites. Articles by analyzing the domestic and straw, forage baler compression theory and research progress, according to my theory at this stage there is inadequate compression, baling machine design based on fewer issues, for the main structure of forage baler compression piston body parts design, analysis, and conducted a preliminary test of machine.
    Also discussed the theory of compressed forage and progress, especially forage and the compressive force of the compression process changes and calculations, the design for the baler to provide a theoretical support.     
In this paper, on the basis of the existing equipment according to China's actual need, considering the current theory, using modern forage compression method to design the machine were improved design.  In addition to, based on the design of the machine, the machine for the use benefit analysis.
UG establishing major working parts with three-dimensional model, see whether the assembly model between the interference of self-locking analysis of structural, movement interference detection and kinematic animation simulation, the input to the ANSYS finite element analysis of the structure, improvement design.
Key words: Forage   Baler   Simulation   Compression

摘要    1
Abstract    2
目录    3
1 绪论    5
1.1 本课题的研究背景及意义    5
1.2 国内外研究现状    5
1.2.1 国外压捆机的发展概况    5
1.2.2 国内压捆机的发展概况    6
1.3.1 发展趋势    6
1.3.2 存在的问题    7
1.4 研究方法及技术路线    7
1.5 研究内容和方法    7
2 饲草压缩理论研究    8
2.1 饲草压缩理论研究    8
2.1.2 开式压缩    8
2.2 压捆机的结构设计    9
2.2.1 压捆机的结构型式    9
2.2.2压捆机的构造和工作原理    10
2.2.3 捡拾器    10
2.2.4 输送喂入装置    11
2.2.5 活塞和压捆室    11
2.2.6 飞轮    11
2.3 主要技术参数的确定    14
2.3.1 活塞往复压缩频率    14
2.3.2 压捆室断面和草捆输出仓    15
2.3.3 输送喂入装置参数    15
2.3.4 活塞行程    16
2.3.5生产率Q    16
3 压缩机构应用UG进行三维实体建模与装配    17
3.1 饲草压捆机关键部件的实体模型的建立    17
3.2 各关键部件的三维实体模型    18
3.2.1 活塞实体建模    18
3.2.2曲柄连杆建模    18
3.2.3 捡拾器建模    19
3.2.4喂入螺旋建模    19
3.2.5 飞轮建模    20
3.3 利用UG压捆机关键部件的虚拟装配    20
3.3.1概述    20
3.4 基于UG的虚拟装配技术    21
3.4.1 UG装配特点    21
3.4.2 UG虚拟装配设计的方法    22
3.5 压捆机关键部件的虚拟装配    23
3.6 本章小结    25
4 压捆机关键部件仿真分析    26
4.1 概述    26
4.2 一种嵌入ADAMS结算器的UG运动分析    26
4.3 UG仿真基本思路    27
4.3.1 创建连杆    27
4.3.2 创建运动副且定义驱动    28
4.3.3 运动仿真的计算和求解方法    29
5 结论    32
致谢    33
参考文献    34
