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摘  要
Multi-stage lift cylinder car is a key part of the overall structure of the dump truck is very important, it will directly reflect the performance of the car project to work, the direct impact on the car's performance. As the most important hydraulic cylinder actuator hydraulic system, its performance directly determines the performance of the hydraulic system and even affect the overall performance of the device. Multi-stage lift cylinder, lifting a wide range, good stability, low cost, it is widely used in automotive lift. However, multi-stage lift cylinder performance test depends on the hydraulic cylinder performance test. Accordingly, the hydraulic cylinder performance test in the hydraulic cylinder design and manufacture of the entire process plays a crucial role. The current hydraulic technology of high-end market is almost monopolized by the United States, Japan and Germany and other developed countries. Our hydraulic cylinder test stand, outdated facilities, a single technology, test results are not accurate, and therefore restricts the improvement and perfection of power, which restricts the development of national science and technology. One of the major factors in our performance testing part of the hydraulic cylinder relative to many developed countries backward, restricted the development of the hydraulic cylinder technology. China's current testing equipment can not reach the high standard of performance testing can not be completed to achieve precise detection purposes. The failure of the hydraulic cylinder can lead to catastrophic failure, life-threatening, affect social harmony. Therefore, for the detection of multi-stage lift cylinder car performance, do this design, the design focused on four telescopic cylinders for performance test mining of the lift cylinder.
Key Words:car lift cylinder; performance test station; hydraulic system


第一章 绪论    1
1.1概述    1
1.2课题背景    1
1.3国内研究现状    1
1.4研究目的与意义    1
1.5 课题研究的内容    2
1.6 课题研究的目标    2
第二章 研究(设计)的方案选择    3
2.1 试验台的系统原理    3
2.2 试验台的方案选择拟定与选择    3
第三章 加载缸设计与计算    5
3.1缸体的设计与计算    5
3.1.1缸筒与缸盖的连接形式    5
3.1.2对缸筒的要求    5
3.1.3缸筒材料的选择    5
3.1.4缸筒的计算    7
3.1.5缸筒壁厚的验算    8
3.1.6 缸筒加工的技术要求    9
3.1.7缸筒底部厚度    10
3.1.8 缸筒头部法兰厚度计算    10
3.1.9 缸筒-缸盖的连接计算    11
3.1.10 缸盖的材料和技术要求    12
3.2  活塞组件设计    12
3.2.1 活塞设计.    12
3.2.2  活塞与活塞杆的连接结构    14
3.2.3  活塞设计    14
3.2.4 限位圈    16
3.2.5  活塞杆及连接件的强度校核    16
3.3液压缸油口及排气装置的设计    17
3.3.1  油口的设计    17
3.3.2  排气装置设计    17
第四章 车斗、车架桁架的设计    19
4.1  车斗桁架的设计    19
4.1.1  车斗桁架的结构形式及其节点尺寸设计    19
4.1.2  车斗桁架杆件的截面形式与截面尺寸    19
4.1.3  部分横梁的校核    20
4.1.4  车斗桁架的结构图    22
4.2  车架桁架的设计    22
第五章 试验台液压系统的总体设计    23
5.1  拟定液压系统原理图    23
5.2  液压元件的选择    23
5.2.1   液压泵的选择    23
5.2.2  管路的选择    24
5.2.3  油箱容量的确定    25
5.2.4  过滤器的选择    25
5.2.5  液压油的选择    26
结  论    27
致  谢    28
参考文献    29
