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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D27140 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D27140
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关键词:启闭机   闸门  卷扬机  制动器  PLC

Design of the Control System for the Hoist Type Gate Crane
Gate control system is an important component part of reservoir engineering. With the continuous development of automatic control, communication and computer technology, by the gate of artificial operation, the control means and methods has been increasingly don't adapt to the requirement of water resources normalization. The gate of the past relies mainly on the relay logic control, the system composition and the complex wiring, relay number is more, greater investment, operation energy consumption is larger, the reliability is not high.
In order to adapt to the needs of the whole social economy booming, water constantly. Modern water conservancy projects for flood control and drought resistance, power generation, shipping, tourism, and other functions into an organic whole, produce the huge economic benefit and social benefit, it is in the protection of people's life, safety, and in the use of transport, energy plays a very important role.
And with the development of automation technology and computer control technology, hoist crane control system has been greatly improved, and are more frontier in the field of automatic control technology is gradually being applied to the control system of hoist. In the design of the control system of hoist, selects the reliability of the programmable logic controller as the core to control the system implementation, this kind of control mode has gradually developed into the mainstream of hoist control system.
In order to improve the working reliability and automation degree of the gate, on the basis of the original system, put forward by programmable controller, using the travel switch, pressure sensor, encoder signal to a gate hoist, brake to realize automation control. This paper USES Siemens S7-200 series programmable controller to control, this paper introduces the working principle of the system, and carries on the overall design and automation control system design. This system is simple and easy to implement, this method has universal significance, can be widely used in the control gate.
This paper design the mechanical design, electrical control and PLC, configuration software, and other areas of the knowledge, is mechanical engineering and automation professional comprehensive application of knowledge in all the subjects.
Keywords:Hoist  Gate  Winch  PLC  Brake


摘要    I
第1章    概论    1
1.1 闸门系统控制现状    1
1.1.1  早期闸门控制系统    2
1.1.2  智能监控、控制系统    2
第2章  闸门控制系统结构    4
2.1 闸门控制系统的组成    4
2.2 闸门控制系统工作示意图    5
第3章设备选型    6
3.1 启闭机的选取    6
3.1.1  启闭机简述    6
3.1.2  电动卷扬机    8
3.1.3  卷扬机的计算与选型    8
3.1.4  电动机的选型    9
3.1.5  制动器的选型    10
3.2 PLC模块选型    11
3.2.1  PLC简介    11
3.2.2  PLC选型    13
3.2.3  CPU224技术参数    13
3.2.4  EM231技术参数    18
3.3 编码器型号选取    21
3.3.1  编码器简述    21
3.3.2  编码器的选型    23
3.4 行程开关的选取    24
3.4.1  行程开关简述    24
3.4.2  行程开关的选型    26
3.4.3  行程开关的技术参数    27
3.5 低压电器的选取    27
3.5.1  熔断器的选型    27
3.5.2  热继电器的选型    28
3.5.3  交流接触器的选型    28
3.5.4  时间继电器的选型    29
3.6 串口选择    30
3.7 传感器和变送器的选型    33
3.7.1  压力传感器的选型    33
3.7.3  电压(流)变送器的选型    34
3.8 显示屏的选型    35
3.9 选用设备列表    36
第4章 程序编写    37
结束语    38
参考文献    39
