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摘  要
细菌纤维素(Bacterical cellulose,BC)是一些特定微生物合成的纤维素统称。目前,细菌纤维素应用领域十分广泛,但是由于目前细菌纤维素发酵产量低,使得其成本居高不下。为了改良菌种和提高细菌纤维素的产量,以选育出可以用于工业生产的优秀菌株,本项研究采用了硫酸二乙酯(DES)、甲基磺酸乙酯、5-溴尿嘧啶、亚硝酸等化学诱变剂对实验室保藏的木醋杆菌进行了诱变选育。研究表明,上述化学诱变剂均对木醋杆菌产细菌纤维素有正突变作用,其中通过硫酸二乙酯诱变筛选得到了DES0.5%-1、DES0.5%-2、DES0.7%-1、DES1%-1四株产量较高,稳定增产率均超过30%的高产菌株。做续代培养后发现,DES0.5%-2在五代中产量保持稳定,确定DES0.5%-2为终筛菌株。
关键词:木醋杆菌  化学诱变  DES诱变  突变菌株  细菌纤维素
Mutation breeding of Acetobacter xylinumto increase the yield of bacterial cellulose
Bacterial cellulose is a general term for cellulose synthesized by certain microorganisms. At present, the application of bacterial cellulose is very extensive, but because of the low yield of bacterial cellulose fermentation, the cost is very high. In order to improve the strain and improve the yield of bacterial cellulose, which can be used for breeding good strains of industrial production, this study used two ethyl sulfate (DES), ethyl methyl sulfonate, 5- bromouracil, nitrite and other chemical mutagens on laboratory preservation of Acetobacter xylinum were mutation breeding. Research shows that the chemical mutagens have positive effect on the mutation of Acetobacter xylinuml.1812, which are DES0.5%-1, DES0.5%-2, DES0.7%-1, DES1%-1 of four strains of high yield by screening two ethyl sulfate mutagenesis strains with high yield and stable production rate of more than 30%. After continuous cultivation, it was found that the yield of DES0.5%-2 remained stable in the five generation, and DES0.5%-2 was the final screening strain.
Keywords:Acetobacter sp;chemical mutation; DES mutation; mutant strain; bacterial cellulose

第一章 文献综述    1
1.1细菌纤维素的性质     1
1.2细菌纤维素的应用    1
1.2.1食品工业    1
1.2.2医药工业    1
1.2.3轻工业    1
1.2.4其他    2
1.3产细菌纤维素菌株    2
1.4细菌纤维素的生物合成过程    2
1.5菌种的诱变    3
第二章 实验材料与方法    5
2.1 菌种    5
2.2 培养基    5
2.3常用储存液及配法    5
2.4试剂与仪器    6
2.5种子液的培养    6
2.6 诱变前种子液处理    6
2.7 菌悬液稀释倍数的选择与依据    6
2.8. 化学诱变处理    6
2.8.1 甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)诱变处理    6
2.8.2 硫酸二乙酯(DES)诱变处理    7
2.8.3 5-溴尿嘧啶诱变处理    7
2.8.4 亚硝酸诱变处理    8
2.8.5诱变结合    8
2.9 诱变菌株的挑选    8
2.10 接种发酵培养    8
2.11 发酵后处理    9
2.11.1细菌纤维素的提取及处理    9
2.11.2 残糖测定    9
2.11.3 pH测定    9
第三章 结果与讨论    10
3.1 EMS诱变    10
3.2 5-溴尿嘧啶(5-BU)诱变处理    10
3.3硫酸二乙酯(DES)诱变    11
3.4亚硝酸诱变    12
3.5二次发酵验证    13
3.6三次发酵验证(最优发酵培养基的选择)    14
3.7诱变菌株的续代培养    15
第四章 结论与展望    16
参考文献    17
致谢    19
