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Effects of Leaf Extract on the Production
of Taxol in Endophytic Fungi

Paclitaxel is a kind of tetracyclic diterpene compounds with anti-cancer activity extract  from Taxus. It is one of the most effective anti-cancer drugs. Due to the scarcity of Taxus resources, the content of paclitaxel is less, and the extraction of paclitaxel from Taxus can not meet the market demand. Taxol production by endophytic fungi is one of the effective ways to prepare paclitaxel. In this study, the optimum fermentation conditions of paclitaxel in endophytic fungi were analyzed by the fermentation cycle of three strains of Taxus chinensis, and the leaching solution of different leaves of different yew cultivars on paclitaxel production. In the fermentation cycle experiment, the optimum fermentation time of F4 was 4 weeks, and the optimum fermentation time of F5 and F8 was one week, and the content of paclitaxel was the highest. The addition of 2% concentration ofNortheast yew,Taxus chinensis, Taxus Mairei, and Yew of Yunnan,and F4, F5 hyphae and the content of paclitaxel in the fermentation broth were increased. The content of paclitaxel in F8 bacteria was significantly increased by adding 2% In general, the addition of different leek leaves leaching solution can increase the production of paclitaxel in the culture system, probably because the leach extract contains the precursor material necessary for the synthesis of paclitaxel, and the industrialization of paclitaxel Significance.

Key words: paclitaxel; endophytic fungi; leaf leaching solution; high performance liquid chromatography


摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章    文献综述    1
1.1红豆杉简介    1
1.2 紫杉醇概述    1
1.2.1直接从红豆杉属植物中提取    2
1.2.2 化学全合成紫杉醇    2
1.2.3 生物/化学半合成紫杉醇    2
1.2.4  微生物发酵法的优势    2
1.3 产紫杉醇内生真菌研究进展    3
1.3.1植物内生真菌的相关介绍    3
1.3.2分离产紫杉醇内生真菌    3
1.4提高内生真菌产紫杉醇含量的途径    3
1.4.1培养基的选择    4
1.4.2 培养基添加物    4
1.4.3培养基条件的选择    4
1.5本课题的研究目的和意义    4
第二章  实验材料与方法    7
2.1植物材料    7
2.2菌株与培养基    7
2.3 实验试剂    7
2.4 实验仪器    9
2.5红豆杉内生真菌的来源    9
2.6 三株内生真菌的生长条件优化    9
2.6.1 温度对三株内生真菌生长的影响    9
2.6.2 pH对三株内生真菌生长的影响    10
2.6.3糖浓度对三株内生真菌生长的影响    10
2.7 三株内生真菌产紫杉醇最佳发酵周期    10
2.8不同树种浸出液对红豆杉内生真菌产紫杉醇的影响    10
2.9真菌发酵紫杉醇的提取    10
2.10液相色谱测定紫杉醇含量    10
2.10.1液相色谱条件选择    11
2.10.2 标准曲线的建立    11
2.10.3 紫杉醇含量的测量    11
第三章 结果与讨论    13
3.1三株真菌的最适培养条件    13
3.1.1温度对三株内生真菌生长的影响    13
3.1.2不同pH对三株内生真菌生长的影响    15
3.2.三株内生真菌的最佳发酵时间    16
3.3添加不同种叶子浸出液对三株内生真菌产紫杉醇含量影响    16
3.3.1不同树种浸出液对F4产紫杉醇的影响    17
3.3.2不同树种浸出液对F5产紫杉醇的影响    18
3.3.3不同树种浸出液对F8产紫杉醇的影响    19
3.3.4三株内生真菌最佳发酵体系的比较    19
第四章 结论与展望    20
4.1 实验结论    20
4.2实验展望    21
参考文献    22
致谢    25
