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摘要:针对槟榔废水的有机物浓度高、色度高、难生化等特点采用Fenton法进行预处理实验。实验通过采用正交实验和单因素实验结合的方法最终确定 Fenton反应的最佳操作条件为:H2O2投加量为7.5ml/L 、Fe2+投加量为1.5g/L、 反应体系的pH为4、 反应时间为180min。实验结果表明,此条件下COD的浓度可由最初的605 mg/L降低至83.3 mg/L,而且废水的色度也相应降低,同时废水的可生化性(BOD5/CODcr)也由最初的0.294提高至0.405,为槟榔废水后续的生物处理工艺提供了有利条件。

Study of Treatment Technology on betelnut wastewater by Fenton

Abstract:For betelnut wastewater with high concentration and chroma and difficult to deal with it can use pretreatment by Fenton..The optimal operating conditions determined by orthogonal and single-factor experiments are as following: theadding dosage of H2O2 was7.5ml/L and Fe2+  was 1.5g/L,the pH value was 4,the reaction time was 180 minute.Under this conditions the concentration of the COD can fall to 83.3mg/L and the chroma was also declined.The biodegradability can rise from 0.294 to 0.405. The research provided the basis for pretreatment of betelnut wastewater and opened up a new way for follow-up biochemical treatment of betelnut wastewater.
Key words:betelnut wastewater;Fenton;Biodegradability


目  录
摘要    1
1 前言    2
1.1 选题研究意义    2
1.2 国内外研究现状    2
1.3 Fenton法原理及应用    3
2 材料与方法    4
2.1 供试水样    4
2.2 试验药剂与仪器    4
2.3 试验方法    5
3结果与分析    5
3.1 废水水质分析    5
3.2 反应条件的正交试验    5
3.3 单因素实验    6
3.3.1 H2O2投加量    6
3.3.2 Fe2+ 投加量    7
3.3.3 pH值    8
3.3.4 反应时间    9
3.4废水处理成本    10
4结论与讨论    11
参考文献    11
致  谢    12
