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Analysis of the factors affecting the culture of a hospital in Nantong
关键词:医院文化  医院文化诊断  OCAI量表  盖洛普量表  影响因素研究
Since the medical and cultural forum held in Fuzhou in 1989, the concept of hospital culture has been officially put forward, the hospital administrators and academic researchers have gradually introduced the concept of modern hospital culture into hospital management, and carried out the relevant theoretical research and practical exploration. Hospital culture plays an important role in hospital management, which is being paid more and more attention by hospital administrators. It can be said that the hospital culture is the key to the core competitiveness of a hospital. This paper briefly describes the definition and construction of hospital culture and the construction of a hospital as an example, analysis of the transformation process in the transformation process by strengthening the hospital culture construction to lead the hospital development and the final successful transformation and out of the predicament, leads to the importance of hospital culture construction and the necessity and feasibility.
This paper takes the hospital as an example to introduce the diagnosis and influence factors of hospital culture type, the paper uses OCAI method to carry out the culture type diagnosis, and uses the employee satisfaction survey scale to support the analysis. To make up for the deficiency of OCAI in the micro, through the data analysis of the OCAI scale, the diagnosis of hospital culture type and the expectation of the hospital culture type, and combined with the staff degree of satisfaction questionnaire to analyze the current stage of the shortcomings and advantages, and to further improve the existing culture in accordance with expectations. Finally, the cultural type at present hospital hospital for the market type culture oriented culture, culture is expected to team culture, combined with the analysis of the influence factors of employee satisfaction survey, the survey results show that, at present the hospital culture the overall score is acceptable, but there is a certain gap between the expectations of employees, employee satisfaction is not high in some respects that hospital culture score, there are many issues to be improved in the team culture to employees expect the improvement process, combined with key informant interviews, found that the current market culture as the dominant cultural background, lack of communication, lack of enforcement of rules and regulations, pay attention to personal development, infrastructure not perfect, learning and personal development opportunities less etc.. According to the results of this research, the following four suggestions are put forward: 1. The improvement of the hospital culture construction system, strengthen the construction of connotation quality, guide the market orientation. 2) to rebuild communication channels, strengthen democratic management, guide health care workers take the initiative to participate in hospital management to further enhance the employee satisfaction, improve employee satisfaction, strengthen psychological counseling, ease the pressure, optimize the hospital service model, build a harmonious relationship between doctors and patients 4.The hospital is the first to use the concept of hospital culture to guide the hospital development, now in order to better development, breakthrough development bottleneck, the use of scientific quantitative analysis to the hospital culture diagnosis and analysis of influence factors, optimize the hospital culture construction, for other similar hospitals to provide a reference way, and OCAI scale and employee satisfaction scale, is to help hospital managers from cultural diagnosis to cultural management, and also for OCAI scale and employee satisfaction scale in medical and health field empirical research.
Keywords:Hospital culture  Hospital culture diagnosis  OCAI scale  Gallup scale  Influence factors research

中文摘要    1
Abstract    3
第一章 前言    1
一、 选题背景    1
二、 研究目的与意义    1
三、 研究方法    2
(一) 文献调研法    2
(二) 案例分析法    2
(三) pest swot分析:    2
(四) 问卷调查法    2
(五) 关键知情人访谈法    2
四、 主要研究内容    2
第二章 医院文化测评相关理论    4
一、 医院文化的内涵    4
(一) 医院文化的概念与层次    4
(二) 医院文化的结构与作用    4
二、 医院文化建设进展情况    5
(一) 医院文化建设的目的与意义    5
(二) 医院文化建设过程    6
三、 医院文化评价    7
(一) 医院文化评价的意义    7
(二) 医院文化评价的研究情况    8
第三章 南通市某医院文化建设概况及成果特色梳理    10
一、 南通某医院简介    10
二、 南通某医院文化建设概况    11
(一) 某医院加强文化建设的历史背景和环境    11
(二) PEST分析和SWOT分析    12
(三) 医院文化实践中的方法和途径    14
(四) 医院文化的亮点及成果    19
第四章 南通市某医院文化测评及影响因素分析    21
一、 采用OCAI量表诊断医院文化    21
(一) OCAI量表介绍    21
(二) 员工满意度调查量表介绍    22
(三) 盖洛普Q12与医院文化之间的关系。    23
第五章 讨论与建议    37
一、 医院主导文化诊断    37
二、 医院文化影响因素及建议    37
三、 医院文化对员工满意度的影响    39
第六章 本次调查研究的创新与不足    40
