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【摘 要】布袋戏这一文化在我国已有非常悠久的历史,它不仅是一种供我们娱乐消遣戏剧形式,也是祖上留下来的精神财富与文化魅宝。现如今在台湾地区经过多年来的发展,融合了世界各地的文化艺术,已经成了耳熟能详的一种娱乐形式。布袋戏这一文化发源于泉州,后流传至漳州与台湾,在这些地区有着布袋戏不同的传承与发展。


Inheritance and development of cross-strait puppetry

【 Abstract 】Puppetry this culture in China has a very long history , it is not only a dramatic form of entertainment for us , but also ancestors left behind precious spiritual wealth and cultural charm . Now in Taiwan after years of development , the integration of culture and art from around the world , a form of entertainment has become familiar . This culture originated puppet Quanzhou , Zhangzhou and later spread to Taiwan , with puppet shows different heritage and development in these areas.
This paper introduced in the following sections , the first to recognize this cultural puppetry , puppet and then introduce the development process , the introduction of inheritance and protection of puppetry and puppet shows were introduced in all regions , and finally about the Strait of puppetry differences.

【Keywords】Puppet shows ; Strait ; heritage ; development.

目 录
目录    2
第1章 认识布袋戏    3
1.1 什么事布袋戏    3
1.2 布袋戏起源    3
第2章 布袋戏的发展    4
2.1战前时期    4
2.2金光布袋戏时期    4
2.3无线电视布袋戏时期    4
2.4影音媒体及无线电视台时期    5
第3章 布袋戏的传承与保护    6
3.1布袋戏传承的保护时案    6
3.2传承与保护的形式多样    6
3.3布袋戏传承的重要性    7
第4章 界面中的图标    8
4.1 泉州    8
4.2 漳州    9
    4.3 台湾    9
第5章 海峡两岸布袋戏的差异    10
5.1海峡两岸布袋戏的差异    10
应用文献    11
