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Successful Rod Pumping at 14,500 Feet
Charles 1. Gott, Shell Oil Co.

Well 41X24D of the Reno field in Wyoming's Powder River basin became the world's deepest rod-pumped oil well on Sept. 21, 1982. Before this installation, the maximum depth experience was limited to about 11,500 ft [3505m]. Its rod pump, installed at 14,500 ft [4420m], has operated successfully since 1982.This rod-lift system replaced a hydraulic lift installation used since the completion of the well in 1966. Poor hydraulic pump operating economics coupled with frequent pump servicing and associated downtime dictated change. Records maintained by the production foreman revealed that Well 41X24D had logged 14 hydraulic pump failures during the previous 12 months of operation. Cost of these failures approached $25,000. During an annual well review, a recommendation was made to convert the well to rod lift to improve the situation.
Our deep-well rod-pumping experience in the Rocky Mountains had been favorable. The theory of the equipment used is discussed in depth.
Introduction to the Reno Field
The Reno field is part of the Rocky Mountain Div.'s Wyoming D/J Unit. It is located in central Wyoming some 90 miles [145km] north of Casper in Johnston County..The field was developed in the mid- to late 1960's. The objective was the Minnelusa sandstone. Zones C and D of the Minnelusa were penetrated initially. Zone D was found to be wet and was squeezed off.
