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With strengthening the construction of ecological civilization and promoting the sustainable and healthy development of economy and society, the protection of water resources and water environment management is particularly important.River chief system, which focus on the water environment protection of our country, as a new environmental protection target responsibility system, whose core isthe party and government leadership responsibility system, has been fully quickly implement in each area.To ensure the smooth operation of the river chief system implementation and continuous improvement, and increase the water environment quality and efficiency, this paper establishes the evaluation index system of environment responsibility audit to the river chief, based on the green development concept.According to this evaluation index system, we can identify and evaluate the performance of the river chief’s environmentalprotection work, and provide ideas and suggestionsfor the audit to carry out the environmental protection work.
【内容来自www.56doC.COM 咨询QQ:306826066】

This paper uses literature research and case study. On the basis of reference to relevant academic research results, with green development concept, the river chief’s function orientation, the national audit authority, and the characteristics of leading cadre responsibility audit as the theoretical basis, this article determines the content of river chief’s evaluation index system of environmental responsibility auditaccording to six basic principles of evaluation standard. It has five aspects, including the economical and intensive utilization of water resources, water pollution control and water environment governance, direct-cleaning shoreline protection and water ecological restoration, the management system establishment and implementation, the leading cadre assessment accountability and social supervision. The indexsystem has three levels, which are the target layer(5), primary index(16) and secondary index(36). We determine reasonable index evaluation standard selection method and audit verification calculation method. And finally  weuse environmental responsibility of 2016 Jiangsu province’s river chief to perform the actual cases and verify the rationality and validityof theevaluation index system of the environment responsibility audit to the river chief, using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for distributing the index weight and providingsuggestions forusers of this research. 内容来自www.56doC.com 咨询QQ:306826066
Main contribution of this article is studying the evaluation index system of environmental responsibility audit to the river chief, which is a new position, enriching the existing researches of environmental responsibility audit to leading cadres.And the paper thoroughly integrates the green development concept into the environmental responsibility audit of the river chief, providingscientific theory basis for the responsibility audit evaluation of river chief.
【Key words】Green development  River chief systemEnvironmental responsibility auditEvaluation index system
学位论文原创性声明    1
学位论文版权使用授权书    1
1 前言    1
1.1选题背景和研究意义    1
1.1.1  选题背景    1
1.1.2  研究意义    2
1.2文献综述    2
1.2.1  环境责任审计评价指标体系研究综述    2
1.2.2  环境责任审计评价指标体系的理论依据和研究方法文献综述    3

1.2.3  文献评述    4
1.3研究内容、研究方法和思路    5
1.3.1  研究内容    5
1.3.2  研究方法    6
1.3.3  研究思路    6
1.4   创新点及不足    7
1.4.1  创新点    7
1.4.2  研究的不足    7
2 河长环境责任审计评价指标体系的理论依据    8
2.1   习近平绿色发展理念    8
2.1.1  习近平绿色发展理念的提出    8
2.1.2  习近平绿色发展理念的科学内涵    9
2.2   河长的职能定位    12
2.3   国家审计的职权    14
2.4   领导干部责任审计的特性    15
3   河长环境责任审计评价指标体系构建的原则与方法    15
3.1   河长环境责任审计评价指标体系构建的原则    16
3.2   河长环境责任审计评价指标体系构建的方法    17 版权所有www.56DoC.COM 咨询QQ:869918441
3.2.1  360度评价法    17
3.2.2  层次分析法    18
4   河长环境责任审计评价指标体系的内容组成与评价标准选择    20
4.1   河长环境责任审计评价指标体系的内容组成    21
4.1.1  目标层指标    21
4.1.2  一级指标    21
4.1.3  二级指标    23
4.2   河长责任审计评价指标体系的评价标准选择    28
4.2.1  评价标准选择运用的原则和方法    28
4.2.2  评价结果的认定和报告    29
5   河长责任审计评价指标体系有效性的案例运用检验    29
5.1   案例选择及数据资料的收集整理    29
5.2   指标评价标准的选择    41
5.2.1  定量指标评价标准    41
5.2.2  定性指标评价标准    42
5.3   评价结果的认定和报告    44


5.3.1  各评价指标分值的确定    44
5.3.2  层次分析法确定评价指标权重    45
5.3.3  评价结果    52
5.4   意见和建议    54
6结论    55
参考文献    56
致谢    60

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